Ein Plädoyer für #blockIAA 2023

This already somewhat older article by Janna and Tadzio still has topicality when it comes to explaining why Sand im Getriebe should oppose auto-capitalism on its own stage. Supplementary to this, updated reasons for a renewed action in the context of the car fair in Munich in September 2023:

1. Unchanged or aggravated problem of motorized individual traffic

a.Der Verkehrssektor ist die größte klimapolitische Baustelle in DeutschlandDie anhaltend hohen Emissionen sind in den letzten zwei Jahren sogar wieder angestiegen.[1] Mittelfristig scheint das Verbrenner-Aus zwar zumindest für Deutschland und Europa beschlossene Sache, aber was hilft das, wenn die Autoindustrie gleichzeitig plant, weltweit noch knapp 800 Millionen Autos mit Verbrennungsmotor zu verkaufen. Und damit 300-400 Million Verbrenner zu viel, um irgendwie kompatibel mit 1,5°C und dem verbleibenden Emissionsbudget zu sein[2].

b.     Fortführung neokolonialer AusbeutungsverhältnisseEine Antriebswende macht keine Verkehrs- und Mobilitätswende. Der einseitige Fokus auf die Antriebsart und CO2-Emissionen ignoriert die vielen anderen Probleme, welche der motorisierte Individualverkehr hierzulande mit sich bringt (Unfälle, Flächenversiegelung, lebensfeindliche Städte, Ungleichheit etc.) Vor allem aber bedeutet es den verstärken Zugriff auf menschliche Arbeitskraft und natürliche Ressourcen im globalen Süden. Mit unserem Protest wollen wir explizit auf die neokoloniale Dimension des Autokapitalismus aufmerksam machen. 

2. The IAA continues to be THE place to oppose auto-capitalism

Auch wenn die Messe mit Blick auf Besucher:innen- und Aussteller:innen-Zahlen von ihrer ursprünglichen Bedeutung eingebüßt hat, bildet sie nach wie vor den Kristallisationspunkt für aktivistischen und ungehorsamen Protest gegen das „System Auto“, dessen „Orte der Zerstörung“ (als Äquivalent zur Kohlegrube) millionenfach auf deutschen Straßen unterwegs und damit meist nur individualisierend und nicht systematisch zu fassen sind. Autobahn- und Straßenbauproteste, so wichtig und richtig sie sind, haben insbesondere die Politik als Gegnerin ausgemacht. Blockaden und Proteste an den Produktionsstandorten schließen wir aufgrund des hohen Konfrontationspotentials mit der Arbeiter:innenschaft aus. Letztlich erscheint uns die IAA auch deshalb als geeigneter Ort, da die Messe an sich schon viel öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit erfährt und generiert, welche genutzt werden kann, um die eigenen Narrative zu platzieren.

3. A campaign #blockIAA2.0 is connectable to radical discourses

a. The topic of inequality is more important than it has been for a long time because of the Ukraine war, the energy crisis and inflation. Also our car-centered transport system and the car capitalism behind it is permeated by relations of inequality and exploitation, here in Germany as well as elsewhere. We have shown why in our speech for the Redistribute demo on 12.11.2022 in Berlin.

b. Socialization in the mobility sector: Daimler’s future business strategy is fully focused on the upper class segment, luxury and ostentation[3]. At the same time, the bus division of DaimlerTrucks is to cut massive numbers of jobs, which would be extremely important for a socio-ecological transport turnaround[4]. This shows that what is produced in the future must not depend on profit interests and the willingness of a market to pay. On the contrary, there is a need for a democratically organized mobility economy, which goes beyond the current company co-determination, in which the mobility needs of all are included and which is compatible with climate and ecosystems.

c. Although the technological course has now been set for electric cars (BEVs) at most corporate headquarters, the topic of eFuels does not yet seem to have been completely cleared up, thanks to government coalition partner FDP. In the future, the hydrogen required for this would be imported primarily from countries in the Global South, with high potential for new forms of energy colonialism. Here, as well as in the raw materials issue as a whole, we see connections to the struggles of Ende Gelände, Debt4Climate and other actors.

4. Diversity of strategies

We are also enthusiastic about the growing „labor turn“ in the climate justice movement and the plans for organizing workers in the mobility and automotive industries. However, we are convinced that there is also a need for actors who bring radical demands into the discourse through activist and disobedient interventions. The IAA is the ideal context for this. At the same time we plead for strategic agreements and common narratives despite different approaches and we are looking forward to a close cooperation with other actors of the mobility transition and climate justice movement.

5. Importance of the IAA protests for the local context

Repeatedly, activists from the Munich area told us what an extraordinary experience the IAA protests 2021 with nationwide mobilization (and beyond) was for the local groups and structures: „A left-radical protest and climate camp on the Theresienwiese!!!“ Since the next camp for the IAA will certainly take place and is already being organized, we hope that Sand im Getriebe with a stable widespread mobilisation can again be part of the anti-IAA protest and camp.

6.     Oops, we blocked it again!

Despite Corona and Bavarian cops, the expectations (especially our own) for #blockIAA2021 were pretty high and not all of them were fulfilled in the end. Due to the situation at SIG, we are unfortunately far away from thinking the action comparatively big at the moment. And it may not even be necessary to do so in order to be (similarly) successful. However, from our point of view it would be an extreme pity if Sand im Getriebe as an uninvited but indispensable guest could not participate in the car party. Therefore we need you to block the car party again! So that this time it really will be the last IAA.



